The Dream Journals by Sarah Cavar


Cavar creates a speculative whole from many shards. I can inhabit my own internal//dreams with this chapbook, a prism of refracted selves in technicolor.

– Jesse Rice-Evans, author of THE UNINHABITABLE (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2019)

In Cavar’s The Dream Journals, memory and surreality haunt the pages as they float in and out of its pages. The speaker’s past and present compound with hypotheticals, half-truths and nightmarish images that unravel the boundary between the real and the dream life. Cavar’s brilliant prosaic vignettes give us an avenue to consider in which reality true experience lies— more than that, The Dream Journals exists in the space between these binaries we create, and Cavar invites us to join them there.

— Olivia Braley, author of SOFTENING (ELJ Editions)

In Cavar’s The Dream Journals, recollection sparks reflection. These immersive, earnest records leave interpretation to readers, concerned less with analysis than standing in their truth. “I may not have dreamt this,” Cavar admits, yet their candor makes these moments all the more real. What is truth to dreaming, to memory, to the scenes we envision nightly? How wide that golden gulf? Perhaps the distance is shorter than we think—as near as the shores of sleep.”

— Isaura Ren, editor-in-chief of perhappened

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