the dagger, by vanessa maki
wild cherry pepsi was on my breath / & desire is almost a ghost now / lingering around without a place to call home / & that’s the dagger isn’t it ? / to want / to desire then to not feel that desire anymore / to have it hover over you while you sleep / to guide you towards reminders / to hold on / to cling tight / without a semblance of reason for yourself / not that desire gives a shit about that / it wants you fall to your knees / like you’re praying for it to be over / & it just has to be / all it’s done is / kill / tear / scratch / claw
april 12th, 2020
vanessa maki is a queer writer, visual artist & blk feminist whose work has appeared or will appear in various places. She has self-published chapbooks & has several chapbooks forthcoming or out this year: the chosen one (Animal Heart Press), sweet like limes (Bone & Ink Press) & another final girl (Roaring Junior Press).