Spell: Sleep Cure by Stephanie Athena Valente
note: insomnia is not a prerequisite, but you can imagine
1. float past binary stars,
missing rip chords
what to expect:
it feels like dreaming,
drowsy gelatin that you can never grab
it feels like knowing,
sitting in your living room
2. keep floating
what to do:
knowing your tongue, the words slapping at the teeth
we can’t hear the words, like static fuzzing over
petals on a tv screen
3. results may vary
i sleep to wake up:
i’ll still let you call me
your baby two days a week.
september 1st, 2020
Stephanie Athena Valente lives in Brooklyn, NY. Her published works include Hotel Ghost, waiting for the end of the world, and Little Fang (Bottlecap Press, 2015-2019). She has work included in Witch Craft Magazine, Maudlin House, and Cosmonauts Avenue. She is the associate editor at Yes, Poetry. Sometimes, she feels human. stephanievalente.com