A Local Haunt by Nawaal K.
There’s a ghost in my swimming pool.
No really - I’m not lying.
Except when I say ghost I really mean I found another one of your bobby pins sticking out of the drain.
If I wanted to, I could keep it for myself.
If I wanted to, I could yank it out and hold it up to the light and perform the post-mortem myself.
I could ball my hand into a fist and see what comes out, what can remember and resurrect.
I ask ‘did you ever love me?’
‘ummmmm’ says the ghost
july 17th, 2020
Nawaal is a 20-something student who hopes to one day write a poetry collection based on the different variations of her name she's been subjected to. For now you can find some of her work in Body Without Organs and Peach Velvet Mag, or alternatively follow her chaotic instagram account @flxw.d