jellyfishing by Madison Zehmer
I cut my finger on a seapebble / watch blood become ocean / wait for the sharks to come /
see my cataclysm / and let me be /
look: seas are crashing with my voice / waves tumble apart and together.
maybe I was born a siren instead of a sinner / holy chaos in my being / but I’ve forgotten /
and I do not want to sing anymore to
the bitter oceangrass under my feet /
can you taste it uprooted through your skin?
May 8th, 2020
Madison Zehmer is an emerging poet and wannabe historian from North Carolina, with work published and forthcoming in Gone Lawn, Déraciné, Drunk Monkeys, Kanstellation, and elsewhere. She is editor in chief of Mineral Lit Mag, and her first chapbook, "Unhaunting," will be released by Kelsay Books in 2021.