Inheritance by Kristin Garth
A fortunate man has much to protect —
the thousands of wings in his imported hives
Even his offspring are often suspect
two other dependents he keeps alive.
A fortunate man has much work to do
inside of the frames of facsimile
bee box, collected insects he accrues —
miniature home where he would rather be.
A fortunate man will expire all the same
Teaches afar. Proffers his names, routines,
rituals before apiary flame;
from father’s bed you carry kerosene
towards tiny mass murder you direct
of an inheritance today you collect.
may 22nd, 2020
Kristin Garth is a Pushcart, Best of the Net & Rhysling nominated sonnet stalker. Her sonnets have stalked journals like Glass, Yes, Five:2:One, Luna Luna and more. She is the author of fifteen books of poetry including Pink Plastic House and Shut Your Eyes, Succubi (Maverick Duck Press), Crow Carriage and Candy Cigarette Womanchild Noir (The Hedgehog Poetry Press), Flutter: Southern Gothic Fever Dream (TwistiT Press) and The Meadow (APEP Publications). She is the founder of Pink Plastic House a tiny journal and co-founder of Performance Anxiety, an online poetry reading series. Follow her on Twitter: (@lolaandjolie) and her website