lesbian metaphysics by hazel avery
Section ..iv.. concerning WOMEN stones with special attention paid to the earth & moon & desire’s movements
Special attention must be paid to the EARTH & the MOON in considering the theory of woman bodies & desire as all bodies— though esteemed alchemists for centuries have posited that Luna rules dominion over the house of SILVER—admittedly nearly every astrologer is in consensus on this matter—stemming perhaps from the arguably dubious scholarship of William Lilly—it is of my opinion that this view must be reassessed—for it is easily observable when pieces of the moon fall to earth as they occasionally do—along with pieces of every other star—what is the material of the moonbody that falls to the earthbody—clearly they are of stone—that these pieces are made up of stone easily demonstrates that the moon is of STONY nature—whence the silver in the mines one may ask—considering that silver has certainly not spontaneously engendered itself in the earthly essence—it is entirely reasonable to suppose that the stores of silver tucked away inside the earth indicate that that moon was once of a silver nature & is no longer—also explaining the false but well accepted acceptance of the SILVERY MOON— though surely this idea is rooted in frankly archaic scholarship—& that is falling towards earthness of silver in fact depleted the moon of her quantity of silver—or perhaps that silver in fact is the debris of other sky bodies such as comets—or perhaps that silver is even a trick of light by the usurper Saturn to disguise worthless stones such as nickel—an idea so concocted solely as to sow CHAOS among the people of the world—it is now inarguable however that the nature of the moon is a stony one—& I do not disagree with the astrologers that the nature of the moon is unquestionably feminine—it is also an obvious truth that the earth itself is of a stony nature—covered in stones & regurgitating stones & swallowing stones—the earth contains a wealth of stones in plentiful variation—quartz chalcedony ruby opal sand porite &c—& as widely acknowledged by the venerable old Greeks the earth is of a feminine nature—the conclusion of this line of reasoning should by now be clearly as clear—seeing as all women bodies are bodies desiring women—as are all bodies—these womenly bodies share movement & attraction—as shewn of porite & women previously—this natural law of WOMENLY DESIRE is evident in observing the behavior of earth & moon— revolving constantly around one another—engendering movement in one another—the earth pulling the veil of light over the face of the moon & the moon pulling the VEIL OF WATERS over the shores of the earth— that the mutual pull of the womanly stones of the earth & the womanly stones of the moon is force enough to suspend the unity of the two such bodies in the firmament & likewise & oppositely to animate the suspension of the two bodies as a slowly revolving dance—light & dark—wet & dry— stone to stone—water to air—womanliness reaching across great void with hands that are of stones to caress faces that are of stones—in this way it is known that stones are of a WOMAN NATURE & likewise that this woman nature is responsible for the movement of earth & moon in the heavens—that is desire—that is HEAVENS—that is DESIRE—
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june 24th, 2020
hazel avery is a poet and baker currently living in philadelphia. her work, including her book, number one earth, is readily available on the internet. if you believe good cops exist you're not allowed to read her poems