How I Came to Queer Theory by Dani Smotrich-Barr
It seemed that once born
a body could never
be un-done like a
sentence, never
tripped time the way
you could fuck a tense
in messy indecision, turn words
inwards, as worlds, as if some swerve
could happen there. I thought it was hot
how you could hide something in a clause.
I was looking for a teacher, or some stockpile of sentences, pushed up against
the heaviness of time.
september 17th, 2020
Dani Smotrich-Barr grew up in Michigan and graduated from Wesleyan University in May 2020. Dani has had work published by Vagabond City, Cease, Cows, and STORGY, and won the 2020 Dorchester Prize from Wesleyan. You can reach them on Twitter @smotrich_barr.