two poems by bonnyCD

Jim and I and a backseat Gemini, scarfing down four slices of contraband Mountain Dew lime pie

Grumpy as a sabertooth gay bar
I used to be ugly and tough
And now I'm just the one

Jimmy dressed the timber tidy for its Grindr profile pic
Copied the Grindr bio’s proof for the missed connection adze too
But now he's full of cancer

Me and him and a rhizomess of tangled shoelaces
Driving with my knees on a FaceTime phonecall
w/my depressed ten-year-old niece
logdriving pie into my piehole neat and steady as a coal locomotive lackey

A realbad wreck for we, weeooh, my gorey, she’s right-fuck’d, bud, we might be fuck’d, bud.

Stuck in low 4
In second gear
Laughing baby battered by catspaw
And not an AMA CAA or AA meeting in sight

Jimmy looking like the old tree we run upside-down into—
all eated out with ants—Jimmy, cancer-thin, concussion vomits
neatly into licked-clean pie-tin

Oh no wonder yr so sick:
Yr stomach was full of puke

cat-girl Coriolanus, chest flat as a cast shadow


getting canceled for promoting eating disorders by admitting you want to be a sword because you are in love with a monster fucker dog-girl who wants to branch out into living-swords, and someone in the chat happens to know that swords wouldn’t need much blood to live because according to them a long sword usually only weighs 3-5 pounds and thus by wanting to be a sword—oh fuck yeah make yourself a sword for me, bb—you will have to admit you just admitted you want to weigh 3-5 pounds just to get laid and thus indeed you should go for a ride on the sewerslide; nice job on that fucky wucky, hun, now be a good pocket-knife and crawl into the forever box for yer bad-faith baddie.

april 8th, 2022

bonnyCD (they/them;fukn/bozo) is a poet & experimental filmmaker from Rural Alberta (Treaty 7 Territory). B’s writing can be found in places like GEIST, Riddle Fence, plenitude &c.. B's most recent film, Contents Under Pressure, is distributed by the CFMDC. B is a reader for PANK, + ARC Poetry Magazine. B also often unhappily publishes as Benjamin C. Dugdale; their updates can be found at Their chapbook, Saint Rat O'Sphere's Formica Canticle Poems, was published in 2020 by Anstruther Press, and their full-length debut—a book-length-poem / pseudo-translation about a cum-whorl come-to-life dating an aristocratic variant of a femboy hooters employee (who, to great shame, chose coke at the pepsi taste challenge), all the while trying to elude getting hickeys from normies and night-brunch for vampires—"The Repoetic: After Saint Pol Roux," is available from Gordon Hill Press in Spring 2023.